Energy Medicine Packages

“Do you want to align with your highest potential and heal mentally, emotionally, physically while aligning with your goals. Then feel and think in the form of energy vibration and frequency.” – Terrye Mj

“NOW is where you are most powerful.” Terrye Mj Quantum Field ~ Energy Medicine.

Energy Medicine.


1st: Illuminating Questionnaire. 2nd: 20minute Clarifying Zoom session. 3rd: The privilege of a remote viewing session, delving into the intricacies of your energy system. 4th: A transformative 90-minute Energy Medicine Session Facilitating a profound self-discovery. x Intuitive Healing Session. ~ Bookings Essential.

Hi there! Did you know that before you were experiencing life as a physical being, you were actually an energy being? And even now, as you go through life in your physical form, your energy presence remains intact.

Every response you have to life is stored in your body, from your brain to your organs, as a wave of energy that creates a vibration within you. And we have the ability to interact with this vibration to clear any low vibrations that lead to illness, sadness, depression and the sense of feeling stuck and help you create new, experiences of a higher faster frequency that lead to wellness, vitality, abundance and joyful experiences.

At the heart of every cell in your body is pure light energy, and it’s this energy that we work with to better understand and support you.

With just one session, you’ll begin to understand what deep energy work is all about and how to move forward that best supports you in your goals. By recognizing yourself as an energy being first, you can make transformative, long-lasting changes from a place of clarity that your body will respond to.

Energy is a subtle language that once understood keeps evolving and expanding along with you. Fine tuning this conversation is what Intuition is. Harmonising your heart frequency within you is how you set up strength in your foundation to expand your consciousness to connect exponentially with Source Wisdom and your inner knowing, which is that part of you that is eternal.
Terrye Mj Intuitive Medium

Some Packages *Include *Remote Viewing before each session (Value $150 each).

“Embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock your inner wellness with our incredible packages! Whether you’re seeking to maintain good health, overcome a challenge, or simply elevate your overall well-being, our packages are tailored to meet your needs. From lifting sadness, overwhelm, feeling lost and anxiety and raising self-esteem to honouring the memory of a loved one, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Do you have a burning desire to tap into your intuition, align your vibrations, and manifest greatness? Or, are you an empath or intuitive seeking guidance and support? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Our packages are designed specifically for individuals like you who want to unlock their full potential.

I’ve helped many psychics and intuitives who felt lost and alone. But, through our sessions, they’ve come to realize their incredible gift of connecting to consciousness. With our proven techniques and heart-centered approach, you too can integrate these practices into your daily routine with ease and experience a harmonious heart awareness. So, join us now on this exhilarating journey to total wellness!”

InSpire Program ~ 6 weeks.

AUD $997


Personal One to One Energy Medicine Sessions and Coaching.

You’ll deep dive into your inner environment with the guidance of an International Energy Medicine Practitioner. To assist you in aligning your energetic pathways into the physical environment of your brain and body. Suitable for Women, Men and Teens. All people are welcome.

The ripple effect of this is elevated health in your mind, emotions, body as well as co-creating your reality deliberately.

You may be a beginner of energy awareness or seasoned. All will benefit from this individual program full of techniques and Terrye’s clear connection to assist you while she works with her team and yours in the non-physical.

For Six (6) weeks via Zoom, you’ll be connecting with your true self, releasing energy stagnation so you can reach your goals and fulfil your hearts potential.


~ Stuck, Confused, Sadness, Loss, Overwhelmed, Lost or even Unclear.

~ Grounded and have some Clarity, Understanding of energy consciousness.

~ A strong desire for a better way to reach your goals.

~ A desire to refine your energy vibration so that you can reach your next goal.


know your own sign posts for change.

Control how you respond to life’s events and people.

Understand the purpose of your body and the language it uses to communicate with you.

Know how to communicate with your brain and your body in a way that these areas will respond to you from the deepest conscious levels.

To know when to implement this awareness and skills.


* You’ll be seen for who you truly are.

* You came here to thrive and experience manifesting in this reality in a way that would light you up.

* Energy Medicine sessions 90 minutes, fortnightly. For Mind, Emotions, Body, Soul, Goals.

* Remote Viewing before every Energy Medicine session.

* Individualised mindset techniques.

* Coaching consultations 60 minutes, fortnightly.

* Metaphysical Techniques utilised during your coaching consultations.

* Techniques to keep this work shifting and aligning with your goals.

* Insights from your session, directly to your inbox.

* International skilled Intuitive Medium & Energy Consultant

* Guidance to restructure your neural pathways & emotional body.

* Goal oriented plan for the focus of your program.

* All from the comfort of your own space via Zoom.

We will be working with the realm of energy, which is conscious – metaphysically and this is directly connected to the physical world you are living in. You live in an attraction universe. It begins with your vibration.

This is deep integrated work that will benefit how you are experincing your world.

You will be working between sessions implementing the techniques that come through for you. This on going participation will strengthen the shifts within your mind, body and resulting emotional responses to life and it’s events.

Value $3,500.00 7 week expiry from first session.

InSpire Program 6weeks_Terrye Mj

InSpire Package, via Zoom.

Space Clearing

Welcome to our Energy Cleanse and Balance service for your home!

Based on a single story or 3 bedroom home. Our 120-minute session includes travel within the Southern Gold Coast, Queensland area and distant clearings are also available. Let’s take a moment to consider what you can expect from a space cleansing and clearing.

  1. At the start of every session, Terrye will engage in a conversation (Remote View) with the building to tune into its frequency.
  2. A healing and rebalancing process will occur to restore harmony.
  3. Next, grounding the building to ensure stability and balance any other energies that may arise.
  4. Then, connect with the energy frequency within the building to detect if there are any non-physical beings, and release them back to the light.
  5. To complete, tune into any emotions that may have accumulated over time, which can impact sleep and interpersonal relationships within the building.

Thank you for considering our services, and we look forward to bringing balance and harmony to your home.

$300.00 AUD ~ Two Hours. In person or distant.


Energy Cleanse and Balance for Small Business Spaces. And Property. Two Hours, includes travel for Gold Coast & Tweed, Qld. 

$600.00 AUD ~ Two Hours. In person or distant. Details as above.

Energy Cleanse and Rebalance your Work Space. Terrye Mj
Property Cleanse.

Reiki Teacher Terrye Mj Intuitive Medium

Reiki Levels

Reiki Level 1 & 2 *Paid Together ~  $700.00  AUD, no more to pay. PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE.

Level 1 is a one day work shop with a two week follow up. 21 days to integrate your alignment with self practice. Guidance and interaction with Terrye as you need through your 21 days. $250.00 Level 2 is a two day consecutive, work shop including an in-person followup practice in 2weeks.  $500.00                                    

Teacher / Master Level   ~     $900.00 AUD

New Courses & Support Ebooks – Visit Products Page.         

*Self-Mastery in Thoughts, Emotions and Developing Intuition.      *eBooks and Online Courses.

Terrye Mj

Terrye Mj has honed her abilities through a deep awareness of her own mental and emotional state and extensive study, as well as a strong connection to her spiritual center. This conscious awareness is the cornerstone of her intuitive development and healing journey.

Her unique talents allow her to see the energy pathways within the body, including all areas and organs. By communicating with the consciousness of these areas, she provides invaluable insights for health, wellness, and vitality.

As you work with Terrye, you’ll experience a connection at the highest frequency of love, joy, and compassion. This heart frequency will align you with your soul and the universe, opening the doors for communication and healing. You may also receive guidance from spirit guides, ascended masters, and loved ones who have passed on.

Consultations with Terrye are held fully clothed and take place on a comfortable, portable massage table in her studio. For those seeking distant healing, the option is available for you to relax in the comfort of your own home and connect via Zoom.

We are confident that you will find your experience with Terrye Mj to be both transformative and deeply meaningful. Let her help you find clarity, peace, and wellness.