What People are Saying!


Remote Viewing – Energy Medicine Session – Laser Coaching

Hypnotherapy – Past Life & (Soul) Between Lives Therapy & Timeline

House Cleansing

Reiki Degree  Courses


2023 Energy Medicine

If you’re looking for a healer that is connected to Source, and can detach from her ego to deliver a divinely guided message from pure Source then Terrye is your lady!

All messages I’ve received from Source and loved ones through her, have been of divine nature. After spending years searching for the truth and my truth, Terrye has been able to link the dots to complete a picture for myself to navigate the path to find true happiness on this minefield we call earth.

After years of therapists and feel good adventures and attempts at trying to find true happiness, Terrye has always encouraged me and supported the fact that happiness is within me, navigating my inner world was the most foreign place I thought I’d ever find freedom, but thanks to the guidance and ‘true’ connection to Source and Divine adjustments Terrye has helped me connect to and see the true happiness can be found on planet earth, and it’s not where I thought I’d ever find it.                                                                                                       Thanks Terrye. xx

J.H, Gold Coast Australia.


2023 Energy Medicine

Terrye is absolutely incredible. What this amazing lady does can not be described, but MUST be experienced. Do yourself a favour and contact Terrye today.                                                                                                        Terrye, you’re a legend.

Phil Cardow, Queensland, Australia.


2022 Energy Medicine (Harmony Package) – Terrye is phenomenal and I love the insight, support and true healing she provides.  Rare to find someone with her abilities who is able to work with the intricacies of who we really are. If you’re curious about healing, or have tried several modalities before, go straight to Terrye and experience working with her first hand – you will love it. Honoured and blessed to work with her. Deepest thanks Terrye xx

Sharyn Atkinson, Victoria Australia


2022 Laser Coaching – ‘Beyond Now’ 30 minute via ZOOM– Terrye’s passion and enthusiasm and knowledge is inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed my session with her. It’s given me lots to ponder and strategies to implement to help break out of ingrained habits. Thanks so much Terrye, you’re amazing.

Lee Sadler, Gold Coast Australia


2022 – Hypnotherapy Past Life & Soul Regression (between lives) – What an amazing session via ZOOM. I had a past life and soul regression session, and it blew my mind. Terrye is highly intuitive, and she guided me easily to where I needed to be. I highly recommend Terrye.

Lana Gill, Adelaide Australia


2022 Hypnotherapy Past Life (PLR) – I had a PLR session via ZOOM with Terrye and it was great! She’s an amazing facilitator, her voice and the way she conducted the session made me feel super safe. The recollection of a particular past life made me realise a few patterns that I have in this life and she was able to guide me to release the negative and repetitive pattern.  Thank you.

Luanda Souza, Gold Coast Australia


2022 Energy Medicine – My partner Julie was able to resolve a really deep yearning issue with Terrye. Thank you.

Alex Demidov, Queensland Australia


2022 Energy Medicine – I was referred to Terrye by a friend and instantly knew I had to have a session with her. Terrye has a beautiful, loving, authentic nature which makes it easy to open up and be totally vulnerable with her, which allowed for a deeper healing. Terrye was accurate with her intuition into my issues and when I left I felt an expansiveness of space and freedom in my energy field that I hadn’t felt for such a long time. I highly recommend Terrye.

Jo Gibb, Queensland Australia


2022 Energy Medicine – I’d like to thank you so much for the healing. I felt calmer and more peaceful instantly and this has stayed with me. One of the amazing changes has been to my stomach. The awful churning has stopped! I had been taking medication as my stomach would growl so loudly it would disturb me and probably my clients! It’s settled. Thank you so much.

I feel clearer and focused on my future. Thank you so much once again, Terrye, You’re energy and work is wonderful.

Many blessings to you.

M.B, Brisbane Australia


2022 Energy Medicine – I booked in with Terrye Mj due to a range of physical symptoms that standard medical professionals seem to have wiped their hands of – things like vertigo, a high pitched constant ringing in my right ear for over 6 months, neck and head problems including a thyroidectomy and all that’s come from that since.

Terrye has been extremely supportive from my initial text to her, welcomed me into her beautiful studio space and helped me both understand her process and receive a beautiful healing. I felt at times certain energy at points in my body where her hands touched me, and this was later confirmed in a debrief immediately afterwards.  She is a very warm, authentic and supportive professional woman whom I am grateful to have come across.

I highly recommend Terrye Mj and send my heartfelt gratitude.

Kirstie King – Gold Coast


2022 Energy Medicine – A huge thank you for my session yesterday, within myself I feel so much better!  I slept well though my husband had a restless night. When he woke he saw his mum shaking me to wake up with an umbrella! He has not seen her since she past in September 2000.

Thanks again.

Sue B – Gold Coast 

Manual “The Ultimate Redesign of You. From the INSIDE OUT. Review

I am working my way through the manual reading, and reading my focus points. Breathing and talking to my body also great in fact I didn’t realise over the years I have been talking to my body but not breathing! I’ve raised my breaths. Now I’m going to work on self-worth and will use the book and your notes to help.  Last Sunday I woke feeling so relaxed and more like me which gave me a real buzz.  Thanks for showing me the way.


2022 Hypnotherapy – I had a Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) session with Terrye via ZOOM. Terrye is very intuitive and she has really good insight. She has a beautiful and kind energy. She provides me with a lot of space to reflect, reconnect and heal. I highly recommend Terrye to anyone who would like to have a PLRT session.

Devi Novianti – Hong Kong


2021 Energy Medicine & Intuitive Guidance – Thank you so incredibly Terrye for working with me. I was a complete mess after the sudden loss of someone very dear to me, to our family…  Terrye spent three hours with me Harmonising my mental, emotional and physical state. I went from feeling overwhelmed, a mental and emotional mess to calm, centered and feeling more grounded and able to cope with the current situation.  I feel so grateful to have had you through this tragedy and glad I reached out. (Healing and Coaching)

Roze Gallo – Brisbane


Energy Medicine – I came to see Terrye about hormonal problems, adrenal fatigue and other symptoms like a rash that was present and getting bigger for the previous 2 years.  I knew my healing process would take place once the rash started to stop itching and eventually heal.  I’m happy to say that after 2 sessions with Terrye and her highly intuitive processes within those sessions, I am now rash free! 

Terrye was able to read and speak to my liver and give me understanding of what is happening and what my liver needed on many levels. 
I highly recommend her for help and healing on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. 
Thank you Terrye 
Erinn – NSW            🙏🏽🌹❤
2021 Energy Medicine – I have been having sessions with Terrye for the past couple of years and each session is more amazing than the one before.  She is such a calming, kind and truly gifted soul. 
She has helped me through some of my toughest times and guided me to see joy. 
Her sessions are always 110% Spot On!
You come out feeling like you’re floating and that you are truly guided and supported.
I even know when she tunes into me before my session, I feel tingling and energy in my whole body.
I can’t recommend Terrye highly enough.  She is second to none.
Thank you Terrye for sharing your gifts. xx
Stephani Martin
Gold Coast
 2021 Energy Medicine (Elevate Package) via ZOOM 
Terrye has a warmth and profound intuitive healing ability.  Terrye helped me see what was affecting my health by my belief patterns, emotions and thoughts. During my intuitive energy medicine session, Terrye was given the knowing about worthiness being held in a specific organ and I received that knowing at the same time!
We discussed how to change this old belief.  I left feeling lighter and free of pain, and with the tools to change thoughts that my body holds onto.  Terrye shares such individual vital knowledge to assist us in healing with her strong ability to connect.  
Terrye has changed my life! 
Her connection to source energy is so profound she really gets deep into the root of energy to transform and clear it. I am so grateful to be working with Terrye through my Cancer journey, as she has given me the strength and inspiration to face my fears and transform from living in fear and anxiety to a life of love and peace.
The real shift came when I actually started implementing the meditations and guidance!
Don’t hesitate to reach out to her and be nurtured through whatever needs to shift for you!

Seonaid Fletcher – Brisbane


2020 Energy Medicine

Dear Terrye, I felt so much joy and happiness after my treatment.   You have given me new teachings on how to help me in my life to have more joy and change old patterns..                                                                    Thank you.   You have a healing gift! Amazing healer!

Frida Bjork, Gold Coast, Australia.


2020 ~ Everything you portrayed to me in my healing was so profoundly on point!

I just wanted to be sure that you are aware that your Hard Work and Energy is Truly Delivering RESULTS in the right area!

If there is a return in positive Karmic energy you’re a very wealthy woman!!!

You have a pure gift with Source and thanks for helping me let go of my stress before my weekend retreat.  You’ve always guided me to the higher energies.  I now understand where you were guiding me. It’s real! Thx for your guidance. I have a new found appreciation for your healing sessions!

Your healing aligned my energy to a point where no body else on the weekend had experiences like mine, filled with absolute pure joy and unconditional love!

I saw the true nature of what healing and healers highest vibrations would be like and YOU Terrye are one of those healers that is ABSOLUTELY IN ALIGNMENT with DIVINE LIGHT!

You’ve often spoken to me about feeling unconditional love and gratitude, I can now Finally put a feeling to those words that you say to me!

  Jimmy Heaney


Terrye is a wonderful amazing woman and she has helped me in some really tough times. Thank you!

Rebecca Joan – New Zealand


   Terrye is my Reiki and Intuitive Development teacher.  After I had my first treatment many years ago, while we lived in Australia.   Terrye treated my whole family with great success.  Now living in Switzerland, I miss having a teacher and practitioner like her near me so I asked her for a distant healing.  And this was a great experience!

   Terrye was able to communicate with my whole body and give me detailed information about my organs and the areas I had issues with.  After her treatment and following her advice, my skin problem and other concerns which I had for many months were gone!

   I highly appreciate and recommend Terrye. I know her as a very down-to-earth, open hearted, believable and loving person who is free of any judgement.

Thank you Terrye!

Sandra Hunziker – Switzerland


Terrye is sensitive, kind and great at what she does.  She was accurate and clear. I highly recommend her.

Susan Morning – New Zealand


2019 ~ Thanks so much for today! You really are genuine and are connected with really positive high vibrational spirits. 

Thanks for reinstalling Faith in the spirit/human connection.  It shows how you respect spirit and Source, I’m very lucky to connect with someone with such high vibrations.

Your Blessed, Properly Blessed.

Jimmy Heaney


I’m making conscious changes that are impacting my life for the better since my Very First Session with Terrye.

Straight away I was able to see, stop and change my mental stories that were not supporting the life I desired.

Terrye said “These sessions clear out your vibration so that your desired changes become easier.”  She was right!

I have tried to do this in the past, many times but I couldn’t. Now I have a fresh perspective and energy propelling me forward.

Terrye gives you tools to take home and implement and if you do them, they work!

I had my second session yesterday, life really is unfolding for me. I don’t know how Terrye does what she does but it is truly amazing and a gift.

I 100% recommend Terrye Mj to everyone at any age at any stage in life.

Erika Moylan


I have been to Terrye twice now for intuitive healing sessions.  The first session I had was absolutely mind blowing, seeing as though I really didn’t know what to expect.  Ever since I was little, every time I very sick (usually with severe tonsillitis) I would have the same recurring dream, this went on for years and years from as young as I can remember.  In the dream there would be a huge (celestial like) being, a tall woman in a very long dress, and very long white hair, with a very long sword.  She would never do anything. I would just see her in my recurring dream.

After my first healing session, Terrye told me that as soon as she began the session, she was joined by…  ‘a tall woman, in a very long dress, with very long white hair, and a very long sword’!!!!   I was speechless and probably looked like I had seen a ghost.

I felt it all through my body and I knew – this is one of my spirit guides, it finally made sense to me why I would see her over the years in my fever dreams.

Terrye also knew about all the scar tissue in my throat without me telling her about all the problems I had with tonsillitis growing up.

In the days that followed after my healing session I honestly felt I had been cured of my major hurts and hang-ups, and that I was able to move on with some very old problems.

I felt lighter and more positive, meditation was easier and more enjoyable and my general vibration was definitely raised.

Terrye is the real deal and is tapped into realms we have no idea about.

I recommend seeing her and being as open as you possibly can be to what she can do for you, she is a wonderful person with such a kind energy, you can feel her love and she made me feel so aligned and so good!!

Thank you Terrye

Minnie. Harrison- NSW


I was lucky enough to find Terrye recently operating in the Gold Coast and receive a wonderful hands on intuitive healing treatment.  As a therapist in the industry myself I can confirm the quality of her treatments are dynamic, individualised and nurturing.  You get a sense that the purpose of her treatments is clearing and realigning both on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Within a fortnight I believe the benefits of Terrye’s treatment  encouraged a quick change in my direction of life,  refocusing my career,  moving interstate and enabling me to release more of the emotional stress that I had been holding from the loss of my wife.

Thank you for your kindness and genuine sincerity in your approach Terrye and I look forward to a workshop in the future.

Best Regards

Claire MacKinnon – Sydney


Terrye was recommended to me by a friend who told me she was The Best on the Coast and that is entirely true!

I went to Terrye to do my Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 courses.  She is absolutely amazing to say the least.  She is a wonderful healer, teacher and the most amazing person.

She is very knowledgeable about everything spiritual and I find myself after a visit with Terrye to be calmer, more focused on my journey in life but above all more enlightened.  She encouraged me to follow my passion and I have never been happier.

Thanks Terrye

Cathy Jean


Terrye shares her unique loving and nurturing intuitive practices whilst you are in her highly caring hands.  Terrye’s skills and techniques as an intuitive medium are outstanding giving clarity, release and relief.

After experiencing 2 healing sessions with Terrye  I maybe not need but would like to work with her further.

I highly recommend Terrye to anyone seeking a healing of the highest level x

Suzanne Bobsien


When I met Terrye she didn’t immediately offer what she does professionally.  Then when we connected, I did some work with Terrye and she was able to help me resolve some inner conflict that I had had for some time that no one knew about but she intuitively picked up.

It was not only a relief but quite powerful to be able to share that with someone like Terrye.

Terrye is a beautiful soul and can happily recommend her work to you.

Julie McDonald – OAM


Terrye is a genuine and powerfully aligned healer, with an ability to translate  the messages she receives while working with you in a simple and practical way.

I very much recommend Terrye as a healer.

Samantha Valzetti – Brisbane


I’ve been to see Terrye Mj twice, she came recommended by my sister. Both sessions were amazing, grounding and healing and infused with Terrye’s beautiful light and love. Her intuitive insights into where I was stuck and steps to take on my path to healing were insightful and liberating.  

Since then a number of my family have all been to see her and all come away having had beautiful sessions with her.  I’m booked in to do Terrye’s Reiki course in February and am very much looking forward to the experience and the learning.

Deborah Oberon – Brisbane



I truly recommend seeing Terrye, I seriously feel that I have been healed of my major hurts and complexes, the last few days I have felt wonderful, and I really feel my greatness, my worth and my power. I find it easier to really connect with myself and even meditation is much easier, more enjoyable and powerful. Things are manifesting easily and the Universe is yielding all sorts of joys to me. Feeling the best I have felt in… I don’t even know how long.  Seriously.  I am so grateful.

THANK YOU for my healing.

Minnie. H


Hello Terrye,,
OMG,,, I feel so much more ,, grounded!!!
You are really switched on Terrye!
Not as much traffic in my head from all the spirits around me…Thank You for the time you spent listening to me, as part of my healing session !! 
I would like to book again for myself and my boys.. Mmmm ? I think I have a lot to learn!
Oh, the most important thing to tell you, I’m not feeling so many other people’s feelings,, this is a massive difference for me being an empath !!!  
The shielding via heart is working.  Thanks for that  🙂 
You are blessed people to meet , I have to say.
we’ve got heaps more too do!!
Thanks Terrye Mj

Written testimony for house cleansing.

My partner and I were so excited to buy our first house and to finally give our two children some stability. However, when we moved in it seemed as if the children were misbehaving more than usual and we both felt more stressed. We put it down to the move and thought that we needed to settle in. I cleansed the house with sage as well as cleaned all the surfaces. But the negative vibe continued and when we all started having nightmares we realised that something was not right. Thankfully for us a friend recommended Terrye Mj. Terrye Mj was lovely and put me at ease straight away. She explained to me the energetic energy of the previous owners, which I could verify from stories from the neighbours. After she spent some time cleansing my home she gave me suggestions of how I can continue to create a positive energy in my home. It’s been almost a year since she cleansed our home and our whole family has not experienced the awful nightmares for which we are very grateful. Even though we experience the usual life stresses and our children are not always perfectly behaved –  After Terrye’s cleansing and by following her suggestions our home is much calmer and holds more positive energy.

Blanka Popovsky, Elanora  


Written testimony for Intuitive Classes

As a teacher, Terrye Mj is able to create a space in which you feel safe and not embarrassed to try new things. She has a very gently energy and is able to extend your skills at a pace that is right for you. I have enjoyed Terrye’s classes and feel that my intuitive skills have greatly improved. She has also helped me believe in myself and now I feel with practice I can achieve more than I ever thought possible. The activities are well thought out and practical and she has an intuitive knowing of when to guide you and when to let you try yourself. As a practitioner she is extremely skilled, so it has been a wonderful opportunity to learn from her.

Blanka Popovsky, Elanora    


Dear Terrye,

I wanted to thank you for my Intuitive Reiki Session. I had never tried Reiki before and had no idea what to expect. You made me feel very relaxed and comfortable throughout the experience. I was astounded with my session. The connection was phenomenal and I was left feeling very centered and grounded and sure.  I have worked on what we spoke about and feel that it is helping me cope with the ups and downs of everyday life.  I look forward to my next session and hope to go further. I would highly recommend you to anyone seeking balance in mind, body and spirit.  I wish you all the best.

Warmest Regards

Helen Bothwell


March 2016

I am an ordinary lay person, with what I understand now to be , I am and have empathic sensitivity to Source and Spirit.

I went into this course Intuitive Reiki Level 1 with nothing and came out with everything.

It’s hard to put into words what Terrye Mj’s teaching has given me.

All I know is I have a gift.  I am an awakened man and at peace with my life and new found abilities.

This course and my own awakening or remembering has affected me so deeply and positively, I am looking forward to setting up as a practitioner after my level 2 with you.

Terrye is the ONLY Reiki Master I recommend.

Terrye Mj you changed my life.

Thank you

Darren Mcghie


March 2016

Dear Terrye,

Thank you so very much for giving so much of yourself during our course. I was honoured and grateful to be guided to you, to be attuned by you.

I thought the course was most informative and exciting and unlocked the inner me.
When you put your hands on my shoulders to attune me, I instantly felt relaxed and I felt a comfortable flow of energy wash over me. This left me feeling very emotional but not in a sad way. All my insecurities about  – “am I doing the right thing?”  were swept away and I believe in myself now and my ability.

You have opened up a new world to me and I have already done Reiki on several people, who in turn seem to have benefited from it.

I can’t wait to do my next level with you and this time I will bring one of my friends with me as she is very keen to embrace Reiki as well.

 Once again I wish to thank you so very much for showing me the light.

 Kind regards

 Cathy Stanley


Terrye is an amazing healer.  I’ve been going to her for years and she fixes all my problems.

My family also goes to her. I totally recommend.

Wendy McGhie


April 15th 2016

I’ve just completed Reiki 2nd level / Degree with Terrye Mj.

This time saw me quite emotional for a “tough bloke.”

Both my parents are deceased and a lot of my family members also.  I had the absolute privilege of being connected to them through Terrye’s teaching, so strongly that my Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakra’s allowed me to see them fully realised in “Heaven.”

To say this is a gift is an understatement.

I am Maori. My Whanau (family) and I are/were extremely close.

What a gift!

I also achieved the understanding from my ancestors that they are wanting to work and connect with me during healing sessions.

Blessed is me

Thank you, thank you, thank you Terrye xxx

Darren McGhie