Meditation can seem overwhelming even at the first thought of; “I wonder if I could?” “Is it really for me?” “What do I do?” “Can I even meditate and how will I find the time?” “I can’t sit still, I’m always on the go.”
FEAR, WORRY & SELF JUDGEMENT stills peoples actions before even beginning because something they may know little about overwhelms the senses causing inaction.
So here are 4 very quick tips to get you started.
1. Find a space anywhere that someone, the phone or pet will not disturb you. You could be on the train but as long as the ambient noise is not directed at you then you can begin. Simples right? You’ll eventually find the right space that offers you peace and upliftment when you go there, right now though just start.
2. Place no expectations on yourself or the outcome of your meditation.
3.Breath focus. Close your eyes, sit comfortably. *Breathe in through the nose slowly filling up your abdomen. As you breathe in SAY to yourself “I am love, I am enough.” Breathe out slowly through your nose SAY to yourself “Peace.” Always breathe into the abdomen not the chest. Chest breathing keeps the energy of anxiousness in our cells.
4. Mind wandering, the craziness of the monkeys within, when this happens bring your thoughts back to your statements in #3. When you are finished breathe out, wriggle your fingers, open your eyes, Give thanks to yourself for the gift of inner peace.
As you progress with your meditation you may like to start taking notice of how your body is reacting with this process. Feeling stiff or achy when starting out is normal as you become comfortable with sitting still and training your mind to let go of its attention to these minor disturbances.
Though how are you reacting to the mantra of “I am love, I am enough.”? When the time feels right for you, start to notice if your mind hesitates, or counteracts this statement with a very subtle; really?, I don’t think so., No I’m not. or No you’re not. You may also feel tension in your body as a result of these words.
This noticing is mindfulness and your opportunity to re-train your brain to think differently about you and for you cells to lighten the load on you physically.

Together we can journey into the subconscious mind and release what no longer is needed for your wellbeing.
Five minutes of meditation has scientifically proven to be enough time for cells to begin healing and the mind to become calmer. A great deal of research has gone into meditation and its benefits from reducing stress and high blood pressure to healing at the cellular level.
So begin with your five minutes and see where that takes you. Before you know it you’ll be meditating for twenty minutes because of the joy you feel within, and the overall benefits meditation can offer each one of us.
“Meditation Nurtures the Divine Within.” Terrye Mj
Through meditation we become, as well as healthier in mind and body, aware. Aware of our place in the world in our small portion of the world. Aware of ownership of our actions, reactions and interactions with others and with ourselves.
Mindfulness can take you on a journey of deep self discovery where you may start to notice the subtleties of your thoughts, between your thoughts. Even the thoughts between your breaths.
This new awareness can also reunite the spirit with your consciousness. To live consciously is to be in harmony with all parts of who and what you are.
“As we meditate we become peacefully aware.” Terrye Mj
Please Share, with my gratitude and love.
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