Breathing Deeply Through Your Chakra’s

Breathing Deeply Through Your Chakra’s

Three weeks ago in the first blog for this series I shared with you Grounding and Shielding your energy techniques.  Today we will take that further so that you may begin to enjoy connecting in with your body through the awareness of peaceful breaths.

You may wish to re-read the first blog “How to Ground and Shield your Energy” to familiarise your self if you do not have a daily practice of doing that exercise, as we are going to jump right into tuning into our bodies through the chakra system.

What is meant by tuning into your chakra with intention;  we tune in by many ways, for this blog though it is through your breath.  When you breathe into a charka we are working with you create opportunity to listen to your energy system and your physical body.  Intention is very powerful so before beginning say “My intention is to connect in with my energy systems and my physical body through my chakras with love, ease and grace.”  use this one till you find one that resonates fully for you.

If you have low blood pressure, anaemic or anything where you may feel light headed please do not do the fast breathing, you may instead breath normally with the same focus and intentions- you may also need to sit in a chair or lay down.

When you breathe into each chakra imagine the colour of that chakra.   Also imagine your breath going in and out at the chakra location.

Starting at the Base/ Root Chakra_ Red_ Base of spine / perineum

Bring your attention to your base chakra and tighten the muscles here as if you need to visit the bathroom.  Breathe deeply through your base chakra the energy going in and out of your spine / perineum see the colour red.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths  each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Relax these muscles and tune into your Base Chakra area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.

Allow your self time to tune in and connect, there is nothing for you to achieve here you are simply re-connecting with your inner knowing.

**We do the same process for all the chakras**

Sacral Chakra_ Orange_ 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches inside the body

Bring your attention to your sacral chakra and tighten the muscles here.  Breathe deeply through your sacral chakra the energy going in and out through the front of your lower abdomen and back seeing the colour orange.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths  each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Relax these muscles and tune into your Sacral Chakra area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.


Solar Plexus Chakra_ Yellow_ Just below the ribs

Bring your attention to your solar plexus chakra and tighten the muscles here.  Breathe deeply through your solar plexus chakra the energy going in and out through the front and back of your upper abdomen seeing the colour yellow.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Relax these muscles and tune into your Sacral Chakra area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.

Heart Chakra_ Green_ Centre of your chest

Bring your attention to your heart chakra.  You may be standing, sitting or laying down and you can still do the following – without moving where are your shoulders?

Are they rounded, hunched, open or curved forward?

*Open your hand palms facing up * Bring your torso up as if an invisible string is gently pulling you up through your crown chakra.  So you are lengthening instead of pushing out your chest.   While in your back your are bringing your shoulder blades together and down opening your chest while also opening your shoulders.

Your heart chakra is where you open up and connect with your inner knowing your souls intuition.

Breathe deeply through your heart chakra the energy going in and out through the front and back of your upper abdomen seeing the colour green.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Tune into your heart area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.

Throat Chakra_ Blue_ Centre of your throat

Bring your attention to your throat chakra.  Breathe deeply through your throat chakra the energy going in and out through the front and  back of your throat seeing the colour Blue.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Tune into your Throat Chakra area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.

Third Eye Chakra_ Indigo _ Middle of your eyebrows and a finger width above

At this Chakra ask-  “For your vibrations to be cleared and raised for your highest good so that you may see, hear, feel, know any messages from your body or highest self and guides.”

Bring your attention to your third eye chakra.  Breathe deeply through your third eye chakra the energy going in and out through the front and slightly down at the back of your head seeing the colour indigo.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Tune into your Third Eye Chakra area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.

Crown ChakraViolet _ Just above your head at the centre apex

At this Chakra ask-  “For your vibrations to be cleared and raised for your highest good so that you may see, hear, feel, know any messages from your body or highest self and guides.”

Bring your attention to your crown chakra.  Breathe deeply through your crown chakra the energy going in and out through the top of your head seeing the colour violet.  On the out breath purse your lips and breath out fast 7 times in succession – do 3 rounds of this breathing with a slight pause after the 7 out breaths each time.  Then continue with slow relaxed breathing still focusing on breathing through the chakra.

Tune into your crown chakra area – Ask the following 3 questions

1) Am I tight any where in this region?

2) Do I feel pain in this region?  Do any thoughts or emotions rise up along with this pain?

3) Do you sense any emotions rising up from this area on their own? – take your time.

*When you feel into the above three questions also note any places, people or events that arise.

Allow a few minutes before you finish deep breath in and from the Heart Centre give thanks to your self and for your higher self with love, grace and ease.  Wriggle your fingers and toes.  Journal your experience and you may be amazed at the changes in your awareness of your self not only at times of mediation but also when you are in situations that may trigger your emotions.


Terrye Mj – Professional Intuitive


What has been your experience?