Hawaiian Goddess #2 coming very soon

flowers on beach  Thank you for your feedback

Hawaiian Goddess #1 – has resonated with many people in different ways. I appreciate all of your lovely messages and how my sharing of this has taken you deeper into your self, awakened something within, given you peaceful moments and helped love grow for you.  These are just some of the ways that the Goddess sharing has expanded her loving energy.

Originally it was my intention to share my connection moments with spirit with my face book page and this blog but instead I shared how to blogs.

How to blogs are still very important to me and a big part of why I am here in this life as Terrye.  Though stories are also an important part of us as a people.  Stories have been the life bond between generations to share what they knew and for the next generation to grow and expand upon.

I love the creativity of writing from my heart center, directly from my spiritual awareness and within the vibration of the Goddess and Creator.  So in what ever way sharing my experiences may assist you I am happy.  If you feel so moved I would be very happy to hear from you.

Hawaiian Goddess #2 – will post on the 11th November.  My Hawaiian instant healing on Oahu, meeting with The Kahuna Goddess and priestesses in an Hawaiian sacred space.

IF you would like to receive my blogs straight to your email just click on the Subscribe button at the bottom of this blog.

Your email will never be shared or sold.



Terrye Mj


What has been your experience?